Founded in 1964
Phone: +7 391 249 43 17
E-mail: tichom@ibp.ru; ubflab@ibp.ru
Head of the laboratory: Alexander Apollinarjevich Tikhomirov, D.Sc.
Laboratory staff:
Sofia A. Ushakova, Ph.D.
Tatiana V. Nesterenko, Ph.D.
Natalia A. Tikhomirova, Ph.D.
Vladimir V. Velichko, Ph.D.
Valentin N. Shikhov, Ph.D.
Vladimir A. Levin
Leonid L. Martynenko
Mikhail V. Machkov
Alexander I. Petrov
Elena G. Tikhomirova
Alexander A. Tsaregorodtsev
Ilya A. Pavlov
Valentina V. Tolkach
Konstantin A. Kleimenov
Galina F. Mazurkina
Oksana N. Parshina
List of major publications
Zolotukhin I.G., Tikhomirov A.A., Kudenko Yu.A. and Gribovskaya I.V. Biological and physicochemical methods for utilization of plant wastes and human exometabolites for increasing internal cycling and closure of life support systems. Advances in Space Research, V. 35, 2005, p. 1559–1562.
N.A. Tikhomirova, S.A. Ushakova, N.P. Kovaleva, I.V. Gribovskaya and A.A. Tikhomirov Influence of high concentrations of mineral salts on production process and NaCl accumulation by Salicornia europaea plants as a constituent of the LSS phototroph link. Advances in Space Research, V. 35, 2005, p. 1589-1593.
T.V. Nesterenko, A.A. Tikhomirov, and V.N. Shikhov. Ontogenetic approach to the assessment of plant resistance to prolonged stress using chlorophyll fluorescence induction method // Photosynthetica – 2006. V.44. N.3, P.321-332.
J.B. Gros, Ch. Lasseur, A.A. Tikhomirov, N.S. Manukovsky, V.S. Kovalev, S.A. Ushakova, I.G. Zolotukhin, L.S. Tirranen, R.A. Karnachuk and V.Yu. Dorofeev.Testing soil-like substrate for growing plants in bioregenerative life support systems / J. Advances in Space Research 2005, V. 36, Issue 7, P. 1312-1318.
S. À. Ushakova, N. P. Kovaleva, I. V. Gribovskaya, V. À. Dolgushev, N. À. Tikhomirova, Effect of NaCl concentration on productivity and mineral composition of Salicornia europaea as a potential crop for utilization NaCl in LSS // J. Advances in Space Research 2005, V. 36, Issue 7, P. 1349-1353.
Tirranen L.S., Gitelson I.I. The role of volatite metabolities in microbial communites of the LSS higher plant link // Advanced in Space Research 2006, V.38, pp. 1227 – 1232.
Tikhomirov A.A., Ushakova S.A., Kovaleva N.P., Lamaze B., Lobo M., Lasseur Ch. Biological Life Support Systems for a Mars Mission Planetary Base: Problems and Prospects. Adv. In Spase Res. 2007. V.40. Pp.1741 – 1745.
Tikhomirov A.A., Ushakova S.A., Velichko V.V., Zolotukhin I.G., Shklavttsova E.S., Lasseur Ch., Golovko T.K. Estimation of the stability of the photosynthetic unit in the bioregenerative life support system with plant wastes included in mass exchange //Acta Astronautica 2008, V.63, p.1111– 1118
Ushakova S.A., Zolotukhin I.G., Tikhomirov A.A., Tikhomirova N.A., Kudenko Yu.A., Gribovskaya I.V., Balnokin Yu. and Gros J.-B. Some Methods for Human Liquid and Solid Waste Utilization in Bioregenerative Life-Support Systems // Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. – 2008. – Vol. 151. – P. 676–685
Tikhomirova N. A, Ushakova S.A.,. Tikhomirov A. A, Kalacheva G/ S., Gros J.-B. Possibility of Salicornia europaea use for the human liquid wastes inclusion into BLSS intrasystem mass exchange// Acta Astronautica, 2008, V. 63, p.1106 – 1110.
Gitelson I. I.,. Lisovsky G. M. Creation of Closed Ecological Life Support Systems: Results, Critical Problems and Potentials. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology ¹ 1. 2008, p. 19-39.
Tikhomirova N. A., Ushakova S. A., Tikhomirov A. A.,. Kalacheva G. S., Gros J.-B. Salicornia europaea L. (fam. Chenopodiaceae) Plants as Possible Constituent of Bioregenerative Life Support Systems’ Phototrophic Link Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology ¹ 2, 2008, ð. 118-125.
Ushakova S. A ., Tikhomirov A. A., Velichko V. V., Zolotukhin I. G., Kudenko Y. A., Golovko T. K. The Estimation of the Stability of Plants Constituting the Photosynthesizing Unit of Bioregenerative Life Support Systems for Including Them into the Plant Waste Mass Exchange. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology ¹ 1. 2008, p. 78-90.
Gurevich Yu.L., Manukovsky N.S., Kovalev V.S., Degermendzy A.G., Hu Dawei, Hu EnZhu, Liu Hong The carbon cycle in a bioregenerative life support system with a soil-like substrate // Acta Astronautica, 2008, V. 63, p.1043-1048.
Liu H., Yu C.Y., Manukovsky N.S., Kovalev V.S.,. Gurevich Yu L, Wang J. A conceptual configuration of the lunar base bioregenerative life support system including soil-like substrate for growing plants // Adv. Space Res. 2008, V.42, p.1080-1088.
Chengying Yu, Hong Liu, Yidong Xing, N.S. Manukovsky, V.S. Kovalev, Yu.L. Gurevich //Bioconversion of rice straw into a soil-like substrate Acta Astronautica, 2008, V.63, p.1037-1042.
Nesterenko E.V., Kozlov V.A., Khizhnyak S.V., Manukovsky N.S., Kovalev V.S., Gurevich Yu.L., Liu H., Xing Y., Hu E. Testing fungistatic activity of a soil-like substrate for growing plants in bioregenerative life support systems. Adv. Space Res. 44(8), 958-964, 2009.
Ushakova S., Tikhomirov A., Shikhov V., Kudenko YU.A., Anischenko O., Gros J.-B., Lasseur Ch. Increased BLSS closure using mineralized human waste in plant cultivation on a neutral substrate //Advances in Space Research, 2009, 44, 971 – 978.
Tikhomirov A.A., Kudenko Yu.A., Ushakova S.A, Tirranen L.S. Gribovskaya I.A.,Gros J.-B., Lasseur., Ch. Use Of Human Wastes Oxidized To Different Degrees In Cultivation Of Higher Plants On The Soil-Like Substrate Intended For Closed Ecosystems. Advances In Space Research. 2010. V.46. P. 744–750.
Balnokin Y., Myasoedov N., Popova L., Tikhomirov A., Ushakova S., Lasseur Ch., Gros J.-B. Use of halophytic plants for recycling NaCl in human liquid waste in a bioregenerative life support system // Advances In Space Research. 2010. V.46. P. 768–774.
N.A. Tikhomirova, S.A. Ushakova, Yu.A. Kudenko, I.V. Gribovskaya, E.S. Shklavtsova, You’d. Balnokin, L.G. Popova, N.A. Myasoedov, J.-B. Gros, Ch. Lasseur Potential of salt-accumulating and salt-secreting halophytic plants for recycling sodium chloride in human urine in bioregenerative life support systems. Advances in Space Research 48 (2011) 378–382
A.A. Tikhomirov , S.A. Ushakova , V.V. Velichko, N.A. Tikhomirova , Yu.A. Kudenko, I.V. Gribovskaya, J.-B. Gros, Ch. Lasseur. Assessment of the Possibility of Establishing Material Cycling in an Experimental Model of the Bio-technical Life Support System with Plant and Human Wastes Included in Mass Exchange // Acta Astronautica 2011, V. 68, Pp.1548–1554.
Tikhomirov; Yu. Kudenko; S. Trifonov; S. Ushakova. Assessing the feasibility of involving gaseous products resulting from physicochemical oxidation of human wastes in the cycling of the bio-technical life support system // Advances in Space Research 2012, V. 49, Pp. 249–253.
S.A. Ushakova, A.A. Tikhomirov, N.A. Tikhomirova, Yu.A. Kudenko, Yu.A. Litovka, O.V. Anishchenko. A biological method of including mineralized human liquid and solid wastes into the mass exchange of bio-technical life supports //Advances in Space Research 2012, V. 50, p.932–940.
Ushakova S.A., Tikhomirov A.A., Shikhov V.N., Gros J.-B., Golovko T.K., Dalke I.V., Zakhozhii I.G. Tolerance of wheat and lettuce plants grown on human mineralized waste to high temperature stress //Advances in Space Research 2013 V. 51 Pp. 2075-2083.
Velichko V.V., Tikhomirov A.A., Ushakova S.A., Tikhomirova N.A., Shihov V.N., Tirranen L.S., Gribovskaya I.A. Production characteristics of the "higher plants-soil-like substrate" system as an element of the bioregenerative life support system //Advances in Space Research 2013 V. 51 Pp. 115-123.
Shklavtsova E.S., Ushakova S.A., Shikhov V.N., Anishchenko O.V. Tolerance of chufa (Cyperus esculentus L.) plants, representing the higher plant compartment in bioregenerative life support systems, to super-optimal air temperatures //Advances in Space Research 2013 V. 51 Pp. 124-132.