Founded in 12 November 2002
Phone: +7 391 249 43 28
E-mail: bartsev@yandex.ru
Head of the laboratory: Sergey Igorevich Bartsev, D.Sc.
Laboratory staff:
Kirill P. Bazarin, Ph.D.
Yulia D. Ivanova, Ph.D.
Denis A. Semenov, Ph.D.
Galiya M. Markova
List of major publications
Chapters in monographs:
Bartsev, S.I., Degermendzhi, A.G., Belolipetsky, P.V., 2012. Carbon Cycle Modeling and Principle of the Worst Scenario. In: Jordan, F., Jorgensen, S.E. (Eds), Models of the Ecological Hierarchy: From Molecules to the Ecosphere. Elsevier B.V., pp. 447–458. ISBN: 9780444593962
Bartsev, S.I., Ivanova, Y.D., Shchemel, A.L., 2012. The Worst Scenario Principle and the Assessment of the Impact of Quality of Life for Biosphere Dynamics. In: Jordan, F., Jorgensen, S.E. (Eds), Models of the Ecological Hierarchy: From Molecules to the Ecosphere. Elsevier B.V., pp. 459–467. ISBN: 9780444593962
Maergoiz L.S., Sidorova T.Yu., Khlebopros R.G. Mathematical Approach to Develop the Distribution of Greenhouse Gas Emissions // Applied Mathematics. – 2010. –V. 1. – No. 6. – P. 515–519.
Biel K.Y., Fomina I.R., Nazarova G.N., Soukhovolsky V.G., Khlebopros R.G., Nishio J.N. Untangling metabolic and spatial interactions of stress tolerance in plants. 1. Patterns of carbon metabolism within leaves // Protoplasma. – 2010. – 245. – P. 49–73.
Hu E., Bartsev S.I., Liu H. Conceptual design of a bioregenerative life support system containing crops and silkworms. Adv. Space Res.– 2010.– v.45,– P.929–939.
Bartsev S.I. Similarity and reduction of complexity of ecosystem models // Procedia Environmental Sciences. – 2012.– V. 13.– P. 316–323.
Bartsev S.I., Degermendzhi, A.G., Okhonin V.A., Saltykov M.Y.An Integrated Approach to the Assessment of an Ecological Impact of Industrial Products and Processes // Procedia Environmental Sciences. – 2012.– V.13.– P. 837–846.
Saltykov M.Yu., Bartsev S.I., Lankin Yu.P., Stability of closed ecology life support systems (CELSS) models as dependent upon the properties of methabolism of the described species // Adv. Space Res., 2012, 49, 2, 229–223.
Belolipetsky P.V., Bartsev S.I., Degermendzhi A.G., Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Varotsos C.A. Empirical evidence for a double step climate change in twentieth century / arXiv:1303.1581 [physics.ao-ph]. 2013. 14 p.
Klyuchevskii A.V., Khlebopros R.G. Coupled large earthquakes in the Baikal rift system: Response to bifurcations in nonlinear resonance hysteresis // Geoscience Frontiers. 2013. ¹ 4. P. 709–716.
Bartsev S.I. Optimal design of biological life support systems: criteria and problems // Current Biotechnology, 2013, 2, P.208–216.
Bartsev S.I., Pochekutov A.A. A continual model of soil organic matter transformations for predicting soil forming dynamics inside higher plant CELSS // Adv. Space Res., 2013, 51, P. 789–796.
Soukhovolsky V.G., Ivanova Yu.D. Estimation of Forest-Stand Net Primary Productivity Using Fraction Phytomass Distribution Model // Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2013, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 700–707.